
Our partners

We are open to cooperation with professional organizations, enterprises and companies.
personal shopping
Personal Shopping Expert Association — is an exclusive professional non-commercial and independent expert association of all levels in the sphere of image, style and shopping. The association was founded in 2006 by Natalia Naydenskaya and Inessa Trubetskaya, competent experts in Image industry. Association activity is totally directed on modern international stylist and shoppers standards formation, development and promotion. Leading image-community representatives line up with the association. These representatives share association quality standards and ethical principles and tend to use their expert knowledges and experience for the professional image-services market development.
All about luxe
All about Luxe. Julia Bevzenko consulting agency — Russian private consulting agency, founded by Julia Bevzenko. Today it’s an exclusive consulting agency in Russia, oriented on “Luxe” and premium class fashion segments and services.
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Design Studio “Uyutnaya kvartira” founded in 2003 and offers a wide range of services in the sphere of interior design: professional consulting, integrated design-project development and its implementation, including architectural replanning approval, furnishing and accessories.
La Maison Francaise (“French House”) — French courses in Moscow. The team of qualified teachers are ready to start teaching you at any level. “French House” will show you the whole beauty of French language and help you to obtain the comprehension of a miraculous French culture.
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Boyden — is a global executive search agency. Boyden Russia has opened its offices in 1995. They have been a leader in their core business-executive search and have an impeccable reputation.
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The European Image Academy — it’s the European image-consulting school. Getting an image-consultant specialization in the European Academy will allow you to make your own image. It will be a starting point for good changes in life, financial status and enjoyment which will make you beautiful and bring only positive emotions. We stick to European system of image work, offering a client a new image corresponding to his goals.

Lucky Agency — is an entertainment agency. We arrange all kinds of celebrations, holidays and feasts for both adults and children, corporate clients and just-married. We take care of all details – decorations, accessories, cars and sweets which really merit reward.
Lucky Agency
Royal Group — It’s a group of companies, offering exclusive services for clients in France and Europe. It’s a fashion trend guide for dinner parties, weddings, fancy-dress parties, conferences and fashion shows arrangements. Corporate and exclusive parties, art exhibitions – in the most prestigious places of Europe.
Royal Group
Club de Chance
Club de Chance — French individual development and self-discovery club for women. Here every woman is given a chance to change her life for the better, to realize their potential, to make and harmonize their own universe. Outer and inner beauty – it’s the main topic of study at group and individual seminars. Charity – is an important part of our club. We always make arrangements in favour of women and children.
Club de Chance
“Pro-mama” centre was founded in 2010 and has been carrying on “Our Family” charity-fund work for 15 years in Moscow and other Russian regions. An exclusive expert team of our centre has a great experience in helping families with adopted children and problem families. An integrated and step-by-step operation of child and family maintenance allows to find out and to solve the most difficult upbringing problems of adopted children. This is the most necessary help for family preservation, children return prevention and children safety control in families. It’s very important just not to give orphaned children to families, but also to help these families with effective and safe child upbringing.
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109028 Moscow,
Yauzsky Blvd, 15/1.
The entrance is outside the boulevard.

+7 (495) 790-55-07
+7 (495) 698-54-41
